I like to refer to the psychotic Trotskiist @greglaxer as “Greg Laxative” because everything he says fills me with the urge to defecate. Yes, that is a Pink Floyd reference, get used to it. For some reason, people named Greg are always miserable little turds, and this isn’t just my personal experience; Onision’s real name is Greg, and he’s a miserable twat as well. Fuck, even fictional characters aren’t immune to the curse attached to that name; “that lummox Gregor Clegane, the enormity that rides” immediately comes to mind, a man who “quaffed milk of the poppy like most men quaff ale.” Yes, I’ve read ASOIAF. I told you, I’m a massive nerd. But anyway, who the hell is Greg Laxative, and why should you care?

I first encountered Greg Laxative during the summer of 2020, when he was going on about how full of shit Fox “news” is. I responded by pointing out that CNN, which he was holding up as a paragon of honesty, is just as guilty of telling porkies as Nooz 4 Dum Fux. He got mad, at which point I offered to provide examples of CNN getting caught lying, and he said “I’m not going to waste my time with such piffle.” This all took place in the comments section of an article on Bracing Views, and William Astore, the blog’s owner, told Greg Laxative that he likes to refer to CNN as “the Corporate News Network,” and that it’s just another component of the “right-wing establishment.” You know what’s funny? Rightists like to refer to CNN as the Communist News Network, and Greg Laxative, a self-professed Marxist, someone who proudly proclaims to be far-left, in other words, an actual Communist, thinks that CNN is an honest news source, thus proving the rightists’ point. Meanwhile, Bill Astore, who refuses to admit that he is a socialist, tries desperately to paint himself as a centrist, and proclaims to despise the very far-left identity politics that Greg Laxative buys into, thinks that CNN is right-wing?! That makes no fucking sense… until, that is, you realise that he and Greg Laxative are the same person.

How do I know this? Well, it’s quite simple, allow me to present my case. Astore accidentally handed me the evidence on a silver platter when I accused him of plagiarising Pierre Sprey, who is himself a plagiarist. When I scrolled past the mile-long list of pingbacks from all these circle-jerking reformists and clicked on “older comments,” this is what I saw:

No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you – @greglaxer and @wjastore have the exact same profile picture. No, I didn’t alter these images in any way. Here, see for yourself. Now, why might this be the case? Easy – @greglaxer no longer exists, which would explain why I haven’t seen him in the comments section of Bracing Views for some time. Should you click on his profile, it will lead directly to Astore’s gravatar profile, and there is a simple explanation for that. I’m a programmer and web developer as well as a manufacturing engineer, I have set up multiple websites using WordPress (which is also how I know that Astore is lying about censoring detractors), and if a site administrator chooses to remove a particular account from the website, there are multiple options for their content: leave it as is, delete it, or attribute it to another user. If the content is left as is, then clicking on the deleted account will lead back to the account that made the change (a site may have multiple administrators). In rare instances, this creates a feedback loop, hence the identical profile pictures.

Normally, this is not how people detect sock puppet accounts; normally, they are recognised by their site activity (only appearing on the same sites that the original creator already frequents) and similar writing styles. I didn’t notice this until after I made the discovery I just shared. Bill Astore and Greg Laxative have identical writing styles, though Greg Laxative is considerably more vitriolic with his rhetoric and extremist in his positions. After all, he is a character, and I suspect that the reason that Astore had to delete him is because he was getting a little carried away with the method acting, calling for increasing hostility against his ideological detractors to the point of making literal death threats. No, I’m not paranoid because I stockpile ammunition for defending my homestead from left-wing death squads, these people actually exist, and I come from a long line of successful eastern European farmers who were kicked off their land by the Soviets… which Greg Laxative doesn’t believe, see where I’m going with this? Here, I’ll give you another example: back when I was a Marxist, I independently formulated my own feminist version of Lysenkoism, which I will elaborate on in my upcoming “why I left the left” de-conversion story (as of this article, it’s about halfway done). When I posed the question “how many generations of total gender egalitarianism would humans have to live through before sexual dimorphism disappeared” to Astore, he asked me if I had ever heard of Trofim Lysenko. I had not. Greg Laxative, on the other hand, is an outright Holodomor-denier. Astore had every opportunity to correct him when I told him about Lysenkoism being genuinely dangerous pseudoscience, but never did. Astore had every opportunity to point out that I was entirely correct about all the atrocities committed by the Soviet Union, and that it wasn’t just Stalin, it was Lenin, Trotsky, and Khrushchëv too, but never did. Now I know why.

Thrice (or is it quarce now?) I have accused Bill Astore of using sock puppets, but in all those other cases, I went over the evidence only briefly, because thanks to the bullshit asymmetry principle, most of my articles debunking the nonsense peddled on Bracing Views are way too long already to go off on that tangent. So, here it is, proof that Astore engages in one of the slimiest types of online behaviour in order to push his agenda. He’d make a good BreadTuber (and maybe he already is, I just haven’t found his channel yet). Always remember:

If you must lie in order to advance or defend a narrative, then I must assume the narrative itself is a lie. – Karel Antonovič Janáček

Oh, by the way, I’m nowhere near done with this. I’m just getting started. I had originally intended to publish my article titled What is a Necessary War today, hoping to get an answer to my question “why was it necessary for America to engage in international interventionism to stop the Nazis, but not to stop the spread of Communism, which any idiot knows is just as bad?” In other words, should the US keep its abnormally large nose out of other people’s business OR NOT?! Why the double standard? Well, I think I already know why. However, I need to find an appropriate article on Bracing Views to respond to that is recent enough that comments are still open (not that I plan on leaving a comment, that would be a waste of time), and I haven’t been back there in a few weeks. As I already mentioned, I have picked out a few of his articles that I plan to use as target practise, such as Make-Believe America, before I get going with the regular responses to his laughable midwittery. Anyway, I’ll be back on Thursday. Shalom, vale, au revoir, na shledanou, до побачення, до свидания, さようなら!

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