The Dark History of Progressivism

This movement has been the enemy of both science and humanity from day one, something I've been saying a lot, and today, I finally get round to explaining why. This piece has been stewing in my mind for a while now, and it began with this video, which you may want to hold off on…

How to De-Convert Leftists

Leftism is a religion, made up of many tiny cults, all of which seem to hate each other, and are only ever united by their shared ire of “capitalism,” whatever that even is. Leftism is defined by its opposite, and yet, most leftists cannot define their own opposite, much less themselves. Press them on the…

The Three Types of Socialism

This article is for anyone out there who finds themselves in need of a concise definition of socialism, such as if you are arguing with someone about its merits and your interlocutor tries to obfuscate about what it is. Socialism is defined as the collectivisation of the means of production. Collectivisation is the transfer of…

Adam Kadmon, Tabula Rasa

There is one theme far more consistent than any other in ancient wisdom: we are not God. We can never know God, we cannot even understand God, and for that very reason, we can never know with any certainty if God is even real. Whatever the nature of God, it is beyond the capacity of humans to…

What is a “Necessary War,” Exactly?

Some people have an almost religious attachment to the Second World War, despite denouncing every other conflict since (and in some cases, even before) as a pointless waste of human life that achieved precisely bugger all other than making a handful of unscrupulous individuals obscenely rich. These people annoy me, partially because of their inability…

I Was in a Cult

Anyone who has been online for any amount of time has surely seen video log after video log of people going over the story of how they left the left. What most of these stories have in common, however, can be summed up by the following meme: Colin Wright's political cartoon made famous by Elon…

Greg Laxative

I like to refer to the psychotic Trotskiist @greglaxer as "Greg Laxative" because everything he says fills me with the urge to defecate. Yes, that is a Pink Floyd reference, get used to it. For some reason, people named Greg are always miserable little turds, and this isn't just my personal experience; Onision's real name…

Don’t Debate Ideologues

Simply mock them, because that’s what they will do to you, whether you are aware of it or not. This is a little piece of advice that I first gave about a year and a half ago, and hopefully, this time round will be a bit better, since I'm not working backwards like I was…