The Real Revolutionaries

Ever wonder why the establishment calls everything it doesn't like "fascist"? Wonder no more; fascism is the spectre haunting modern socialism from within. I routinely mention “longhouse simps,” defined as people who agree with the establishment and think they are part of the resistance, for example, this idiot: Substack Note originally posted 22 March, 2024…

Integrity is a Deception

By that, of course, I mean that it has a double meaning, the hallmark of linguistic propaganda. There are enough people out there dissecting propaganda that a great deal of the common buzzwords have already been exposed, but one that I have never seen properly dissected is the word “integrity.” Without a qualifier, e.g. structural…

The Congenial Iconoclast is an Intellectual Coward

Well friends, in a previous article, I said that I was probably done talking about a civic ignoramus named Andrew Zehner, unless, of course, he updated his website. His latest article, published some time between (nothing on the website is dated) the fourth of February and the tenth of March, 2024, is blatant reality denial…

Frauds of a Feather: the Plagiarism Wars

These shall go down in history as the sequel to the Science Wars. For those of you who don't know, the Science Wars were a series of debates between scientific realists and social constructionists back in the 1990s. The three best-known events from this ideological conflict were the 1994 publication of Higher Superstition, written by Paul R…

The Four Type of Lies

As a prelude to my upcoming deep dive into academic rot from an outsider's perspective (I have not stepped on a university campus in over ten years), I figured it time to go back to basics and talk about lying. Ideologues of all stripes, left, right, centre or sideways, do not care about being factually correct…

Debunking the Congenial Iconoclast on Citizenship

This response will be to two separate articles, and you'll see why soon enough. The Congenial Iconoclast is a collectivist idiot who just props up strawman after strawman after strawman, and at this point, since he won't respond to any critique, I almost feel bad for wailing on him... almost. I have very little sympathy…

Frauds of a Feather, Part 1

I originally meant to write a one-off article titled "Frauds of a Feather Flock Together," but I quickly discovered, as I have with previous projects, that I had waaaaaay too much material for a single article. Therefore, I'll start off with a light and fluffy example of fakery, and move on to the far more…

Outrage Porn and Distoriography

Ladies, gentlemen, androgynous shapeshifting daemon birds, I don't normally talk about current events, but I am concerned. While some people are starting (and others are continuing) to fearmonger over the prospect of World War Three, there is something far more immediate and plausible to be worried about. On the very spooky Friday the 13th of…