Oi, Sasha, didn’t you already write an entire article summing up Marxism? What gives?!

Well, Sammy Strawman, I’m glad you asked. First of all, Marxism is a deep rabbit hole, and I should know, I used to be a Marxist. Why the fuck my family allowed me to go through such a phase despite how much my ancestors had suffered and even died at the hands of the Soviet regime I will probably never know, but at the very least, I now know both sides of the argument better than the left knows its own alone. I was recently reminded of the existence of a book titled The Occult Origins of the October Revolution, a book that my sister mentioned to me over a decade ago, and this is sort of how she got me into the subject of occultism (еще раз, спасибо, Полина, я тебя ненавижу) and philosophy in general. However, this article is not about the occult, it is about a fake conspiracy theory.

In my article introducing Duginism, I touched briefly on how Wikipedia lies to you. This article will also go into that, because according to Wikipedia, “cultural Marxism is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory,” which, as you can probably guess if you don’t already know what cultural Marxism is, is not remotely true. However, the mainstream narrative, repeated on Wikipedia, is that the idea originated with an absolute nutter named William S Lind, whom I have mentioned before. Lind is a really sketchy character and a proud member of the military reformist movement, which also includes my favourite punching bag, William J Astore. Aside from both being anti-war, you could not find two people who are more different. For example, one is a self-described progressive, the other is a staunch conservative, one ostensibly supports free speech, the other openly calls for censorship, one is “anti-racist,” and the other is an alleged white supremist. The only reason they agree on the issue of America needing to give up its empire is because neither of them stand to gain anything from it, as neither man is a member of the political class. This is important, as I will explain in a bit.

As Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, Soviet Communism is not “real” socialism because it is “Jewish Bolshevism,” a phrase which you will see many neo-Nazis repeating to this day. Hitler claimed that all Marxists were Jews, because Karl Marx was a Jew, and even though Marx hated Jews and blamed them for capitalism, Jews flocked to his ideology anyway because Jews are just like that… and being a Jew myself, I can tell you that is actually true. 99% of Jews give the rest of us a bad name (just look at the shit going on in Israel right now… or, more precisely, has been going on with varying levels of intensity for the past 75 years). Anyway, Hitler was wrong, not all Marxists were Jews, but that’s not important right now. What is important is that Hitler was able to convince his subjects that the Jews were to blame for all the ills in Germany, therefore the failings of the State could be easily scapegoated. This was nothing new, Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat, and not just in Germany, but I’m not going to get into the history of antisemitism here and now. Entire books on the subject have already been written. In the case of Nazi Germany, Jews were the problem because “capitalism is a Jewish trick,” according to Marxist doctrine, and “communism is also a Jewish trick,” according to National Socialist doctrine, ergo the only way to achieve “real” socialism was to eliminate the Jews. People who deny that Hitler was a socialist are thus denying the true motive behind the Holocaust, or as the Nazis called it, “the final solution.” The final solution to what? Why, the final solution to the Jewish question, of course! Need I remind you that Karl Marx wrote a book titled On the Jewish Question five fucking years before he wrote The Communist Manifesto?! There is a reason that Marxism and Nazism are so similar when you examine them closely.

Nothing they say is true. Don “there is no genocide in Xinjiang” DeBar, take note, lest you be demoted from useful idiot to disgusting liar.

I could go on about Marxist anti-Semitism, and how, contrary to what the Nazis claimed, the Soviet Union was not remotely friendly to Jews. However, that’s for another article. This is about cultural Marxism, and what it really is, not the strawman parody that Lind invented and which the Cathedral props up to hide what it’s really doing. Remember, the Cathedral, which is pro-war among other things, loves to artificially amplify the voices of crackpots like Lind and Astore to make themselves look good by comparison. This is how the war machine deceives people: “behold, your anti-war voices! They are completely mental! They believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old, that it’s shaped like a doughnut, that we never landed on the Moon, and that viruses aren’t real! Trust us instead!” I am being only slightly hyperbolic here, but that is generally how pro-establishment propaganda works: instead of finding a level-headed, reasonable anti-establishment voice, knock down a strawman erected by an insane anti-establishment voice, and if you can’t find one, manufacture one instead. This is the Emmanuel Goldstein effect. And with all that out of the way, it’s time to explain what cultural Marxism really is.

The reasonable counterpart to Lind’s insanity is James Lindsay, who explains that cultural Marxism is the intersection of race Marxism, queer Marxism, and third-wave feminism. Two of these ideologies aren’t compatible with each other, but Marxism is an internally inconsistent ideology to begin with, which is why it always devolves into violent purity spirals. In the case of Marxist regimes, this means purges, obviously. Now then, Lindsay did not have to do much investigating to figure all this out, because the cultural Marxists have already laid out their plans in their various books. Kimberlé Crenshaw, author of the book titled Critical Race Theory: the key writings that formed the movement, coined the term “intersectionality” in 1989 to show all the “dominant” and “marginalised” identities in such a way to allow the construction of the progressive stack, which isn’t a conspiracy theory either, in fact the Wikipedia article about the progressive stack itself (live version here, archived version here) is mostly accurate, but it leaves out one important detail: it’s not just a method for determining speaking order, it is a method for determining who is the most oppressed, and therefore the most in need of “support” in wider society. Think of the disabled trans-sexual non-binary Black folx first, in other words. Yes, “folx” is a word that they actually use, don’t ask me why, I don’t have all the answers. You will also note that I capitalised the word “black,” because the intersectionalists do exactly that; the reason is that not all black voices deserve to be heard, in their ideology, only those that are politically black, for which “Black” is shorthand. Remember, if you didn’t vote they way you were told, “you ain’t Black.” Real niggers don’t leave the Democrat plantation. No, I will not apologise for saying that.

Life is tough, wear a helmet. – Candice Owens

Cultural Marxism, at its heart, is cultural destruction, just like Mao Zedong’s cultural revolution. This, more than any other reason, is why James Lindsay calls modern wokism “Maoism with American characteristics,” which is an obvious reference to the fact that the Chinese Communist Party refers to their system as “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” I have previously identified the woke movement as “having the ideology of Trotsky, and using the tactics of Mussolini,” referring, of course, to the Black Bloc (the loose alliance of Antifa and BLM) operating as the vanguard. By the way, does it come as any surprise that the Black Bloc beats the war drums for Hamas? It shouldn’t, given that Marxism is anti-Semitic and BLM is full of radical Islamists. But of course, that’s not important to the bigger picture.

To be defined by your opposite is to be nothing at all. All forms of Marxism are defined purely by their opposition to existing power structures, which is why Marxism fails where liberalism succeeds (liberalism still has plenty of problems though, which is why I’m not a liberal, I’m a libertarian, big difference). Capitalism can exist without socialism, but socialism cannot exist without capitalism, even Karl Marx agreed.

Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made. – JRR Tolkien

The last thing I will mention of James Lindsay in this article is that he has brilliantly described a phenomenon which people like me have noticed for almost twenty years now: the people who wish to control you share your vocabulary, but not your dictionary. My fellow veterans of the Last Great Meme War will doubtless be aware of the fact that the radical left projects its own linguistic propaganda onto the rest of us by accusing their interlocutors of “speaking in dog whistles.” We all know that they are the ones who actually speak in code; “diversity” does not merely mean “diversity of everything but thought,” it is simply code for “no white people.” Why else would a group of blacks be “100% diverse”? Don’t answer that. If I had any sympathy left for William Astore, I’d say it’s a pity that he is only now catching on to that fact. On one hand, I suppose that’s what a lifetime of working for the Cathedral (20 years in the military followed by 10 in academia) does to a person. On the other hand, since all he does is seek external validation by spouting what he thinks are the correct™ opinions, it’s easier to say that he’s been discarded by the Cathedral like a used tampon (boy is that a fitting comparison, you’ll see why in a bit), and is simply butthurt about it, stuck in a paradox of wanting to be a rebel in order to fit in. The man who agrees with the establishment is not part of the resistance.

Now then, why bring this up? Why end on a note of bashing some poor washed-up has-been sod who just wants the pointless wars to stop? Well, ladies, gentlemen, androgynous shapeshifting daemon birds, William Astore is the perfect example of a victim of cultural Marxism. Sure, he refuses to swallow the current “diversity” dogma, and he’s definitely the type of person who would unironically share this meme:

An Orthodox Marxist critique of Cultural Marxism

…but he still simps for the very system that inevitably breeds corruption and can be sustained only by perpetual war. By uncritically repeating at least half of the garbage talking points from the likes of Rachel Madcow and Glanderson Pooper (thanks, Razör!), he is a useful idiot for the establishment. Astore has no problem with there being a boot on his neck, as long as said boot ends in a 15cm stiletto heel. How do I know this? Easy – he used to simp for that totalitarian toss-pot Jacinda “Horse-Face” Ardern a lot. In some ways, he sent me on my own journey out of Marxism with a rather famous quote from Benjamin Franklin about those who would trade liberty for security deserving neither. He has since betrayed those principles, and now openly admits that he would prefer peaceful slavery to dangerous liberty. This is what cultural Marxism does to people, even those who claim to reject its tenets. Remember, the ultimate purpose of propaganda is not to get you to take the blue pill, but to take the black pill. Believing the message is unimportant, believing that you are alone in knowing that it is a lie, or that there is nothing you can do, or most insidious of all, not to worry because everything is going as planned, anything to dissuade you from engaging in meaningful resistance, that is the goal. Garbage article after garbage article after garbage article about how “wHiTe PeOpLe BaD,” or “cApItAlIsM hAs FaIlEd,” or “wAr Is BaD, wHy CaN’t We AlL jUsT gEt AlOnG, hurr durr,” doesn’t help anyone. Also, fuck Star Wars.

Boy, did that get off the rails. I was a bit wound up today, probably because I got a lot done and I feel good. Perhaps I’ll make a more level-headed exposé of cultural Marxism in the future, but for now, I think you get the gist. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a real thing, William S Lind is full of shit and not worth listening to unless you wish an evening’s entertainment of evangelical fever dreams, William Astore is never worth listening to, and the left is still eating itself. Shalom!

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