Some of my projects have had to be put on hold because of just how much research needs to be done into relevant subjects first. Unlike some people, I prefer to know what I’m talking about prior to opining on something. Wishy-washy uncertainty simply doesn’t work with arrogance and profanity… but enough about my failed military career. A good officer commands without doubt and obeys without question; I’ve never been particularly good at either, I’ll leave it at that.

Almost a year ago, I started a series called “follow the money,” which is my way of exposing, from an insider’s perspective, the “corruption” within certain sectors of society, one of which is the military-industrial-academic complex, and I use my own career in the aerospace industry as an example of that. However, another example, one which probably hits closer to home for most people, is public school. I know a few public school teachers, so I’ve heard an insider’s perspective on the issue of public school funding. However, there are entire books on the dogma of public school, from both the teaching methods to the administration itself, so I’ve had to postpone this series until I’ve caught up on the reading. Furthermore, I keep learning about new forms of legalised money laundering that makes Den of Thieves look like child’s play, to the point where I’ve already started putting the word “corruption” in quotes. The system is functioning exactly as intended.

While financial corruption is a deep rabbit hole within a lot of countries, even those whose people seem to believe they have “honest” governments, such as Australia, I doubt it’s as deep as the insanity that people in power believe in. The “elites” of society have always found ways to distinguish themselves from the rest of us, and one of those ways is by having “luxury beliefs.” Astrology is one such belief. Critical Race Theory, or as I like to call it, “white supremacy with a guilty conscience,” is another. However, none of it compares to gnosticism, which lives on today not in the form of Gnostic Christianity, but in the form of Hegelian philosophy, a.k.a. Dialectical Materialism, which has informed Marxism, National Socialism, Postmodernism, and Human Instrumentality, a.k.a. Transhumanism, the not-so-secret pet project of Klaus Schwab. The NERV of that skinhead! I’ll admit, having already been an occultist for some time (thanks, Polina, worked wonders for my sanity!/s), I wasn’t particularly shocked at the revelation that an ancient parasitic quasi-religion was the root belief system of the globalist puppet-masters, because the people at the top have always believed weird shit. My next article on this subject will be about synthesis, which is an alchemical concept that Hegel borrowed and transformed into syncretism. That being said, I don’t know what alchemists expected to get by synthesising earth and air, nor do I know who actually coined the term “syncretism.” Since I have always been a scientific realist, I haven’t connected all the dots within its opposing philosophical framework; I simply find the utter insanity to be fascinating.

Right beside the occult rabbit hole is the existential rabbit hole. In a recent article, I spoke of the Fourth Political Theory, which is the title of a book by Aleksandr Dugin. I very much want to get into this subject and see for myself if Dugin really is as crazy as everyone says he is; I suspect not, because western academics are all barking mad, so when they see a repudiation of their dog-shit ideas, they dismiss their perfectly coherent detractors as completely mental. However, finding a copy of Dugin’s book is proving to be suspiciously difficult. I couldn’t even find a copy on, which is an online Russian bookstore. Oddly enough, that site carries a lot of other books that Dugin has written, so what the hell?! Anyway, I relayed my frustration to a friend, who responded by saying the Dugin is basically a second-hand source of existential philosophy, and I’m better off reading Berdyaev… which I assume is a reference to Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev (1874-1948). Bloody hell, I haven’t even finished Dostoevskii’s work yet!

Edit: since originally publishing this article, my friend in Kerch, Talia Makeyemko, was able to provide me with links to the original Четвертая политическая теория, so for those you who are curious, here they are. English speakers get rekt.

Finally, there is my ongoing feud with William Astore (is it really a feud if only one side is fighting?), the one-note charlatan behind that stinking shit-pile of a blog called Bracing Views. I’m going to be completely open about my purpose here: I want to utterly humiliate him and get him to leave the internet. Astore is running a pathetic little far-left echo chamber, and while trying to expose the war machine that runs the United States and much of the “civilised” world is certainly an admirable goal, Astore not only proposes no real solutions, but his arguments against the war machine are so deeply flawed that they ultimately work in its favour! As a self-described progressive who blames capitalism for the war machine, he thinks that more government intervention is the answer; every time he deigns to deviate from pissing and moaning about the forever wars, he simply pines for a government that is run by “the right people, who have integrity.” Career military men like him and Scott Heil keep using that word “integrity,” but I don’t think it means what they think it means. In other words, people like him are statist simps currently stuck in an abusive relationship with the government. I have confronted Astore about this before, but I’ve gotten nowhere. Every time he has tried to defend himself against my accusations, he has only further incriminated himself. In our last interaction (and probably the last we’ll ever have), he accidentally handed me evidence that he has used sock puppets to bully detractors, including yours truly, out of his comments section. I’m not playing nice anymore. As I told him, the gloves are off. Shortly after I fired the first shot in his general direction, he published an article that was meant as obvious posturing titled “don’t get too big for your britches,” which was an excerpt from his father’s diary about a scrappy amateur boxer who got thoroughly humbled in the ring. When I asked if it was aimed at me, he denied it, but no more diary entries from his father have appeared, and certainly no content that is meant to scare away his critics. What a little weasel! To make matters worse, he is a great admirer of military “reformists,” who are also a bunch of frauds who make the Pentagon look good by comparison when their lies are exposed. This is why I view Astore himself as a fraud, as a propagandist, and as a pro-war psyop. Who is paying him, and how much? Why did he use sock puppets in the past, and is he still using them? Why does he deny the existence of the anti-war movement in one breath while pissing and moaning about the division within it in the next? Why does he denounce leftist identity politics in one article, but indulge in the very same lefty id-pol whenever he complains about Donald Trump? Why does he think so highly of Cornell West, Marianne Williamson, Bernie Sanders, and even Potato Joe Biden, all of whom are bigger frauds than Trump? Last but certainly not least, why does he not want his audience reading what his detractors have to say?! I don’t see pingbacks to any of my responses, not even those to articles that are still open to comments. I can’t help but wonder how many detractors he actually has, particularly of the libertarian persuasion. Of course, he has to make everything about himself (and maybe that’s why he’s so soft on Joe Biden when Jimmy Dore isn’t), typical New England white liberal that he is. I do encourage people to check out his blog, but I suggest doing so with a Russian VPN just to fuck with him. See for yourself how boring, one-note, and one-sided it truly is, and leave a polite but negative comment; I don’t believe in echo chambers, they are genuinely dangerous.

Which way, Alice?

I certainly don’t have a dearth of potential content. I still have twenty draughts saved as of today, one of which is about a little-known historical conflict that has been brewing for over three centuries by now. I also have warnings about nice guys and do-gooders, which serve as a warning about grand government promises in general. The fluffier stuff is more popular, but I’m not in this to win any popularity contests, as you may have gathered.

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