For those who don’t already know, BreadTube is the collective name for communist YouTube channels. The name comes from The Conquest of Bread by Pëtr Kropotkin, which is widely treated as the anarcho-communist bible. It is important to note that Kropotkin was not a Marxist, but instead came out of an offshoot of pre-Marxist socialism called anarcho-syndicalism. BreadTubers are thus nominally anti-Marxist, but in reality, are useful idiots who ultimately serve the interests of Marxist ideologues, hence having their voices artificially amplified by the Cathedral while unironically saying shit like “capitalists won’t fund anti-capitalist media.” Пффффт ХАХАХАХАХАХАХА! I’d ask what planet these people live on, but I’ve already explained why they are ideological grifters by definition, even if they don’t realise it. Remember, a useful idiot is simply a propagandist who is not clever enough to profit off of spreading propaganda. Luckily, there is an antidote to this leftist brain-rot: SnekTube, which is the collective name for libertarian YouTube channels. The name comes from “no step on snek,” which is the modern version of “don’t tread on me.”

Lib-left probably gets dunked on more than any other quadrant

I decided to write this article for the purpose of de-radicalising people who believe the narrative that BreadTube pushes, therefore I will list off the channels in order of moderate to extreme in their refutations of leftist and/or statist arguments.

The first is ShortFatOtaku. He is Canadian, and is a classical liberal, not an ancap. He spends most of his time pointing out the hypocrisy of progressives, but also occasionally dives into the philosophy that informed the modern ideologies, citing Antonio Gramsci, Leon Trotsky, and Karl Marx himself. The best video to get into this, for those who are just now noticing the progressive hypocrisy, is this one:

The second is MentisWave, the creator of the infamous IIRAW meme, which broke the collective minds of intersectional progressives. Unlike SFO, he doesn’t make his own views particularly clear, but instead explores what the various ideologies actually are based upon their practises. He is definitely some type of libertarian, and he explains perfectly why “lib-left” is anything but libertarian, and by extension, why they are endlessly mocked by both real libertarians and tankies (Orthodox Marxists) alike:

The third is LiquidZulu, whom I became aware of because he was cited by the next SnekTuber on this list, and has also been cited by MentisWave (you will notice that an awful lot of SnekTubers know each other). The channel is quite small, and a lot of the videos are critiques of other libertarians, including Markus Meechan, as well as pointing out why people who are rational should embrace the principles of liberty, rather than joining the left in order to spite conservatives. By the way, LiquidZulu is an anarcho-capitalist, or ancap, a position which most people find to be utterly unthinkable, which is why I wouldn’t recommend sending anyone to him unless they are already a libertarian. To that end, I’d recommend this video challenging the idea that the State is even necessary:

The fourth is TheImperatorKnight, or TIKhistory, run by Lewis Barton. This is primarily a history channel focusing on the Great Patriotic War, but has gotten into the philosophies behind Nazism and Communism in recent years. Barton, like me, is a socialist-turned-ancap, and his economic standing is informed primarily by Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson, which is a book I’ve mentioned before. Barton is starting to get more into the Rothbardian side, and has also cited the work of Ludwig von Mises. It was this video that introduced me to LiquidZulu, and is a great conversation-starter for the terms we should use to describe our positions:

The fifth is Libertarian Scot, whom I became aware of thanks to MentisWave. This is the point at which we get into the channels that I definitely wouldn’t recommend to the uninitiated. In particular, Scotty has such a thick accent that some people might have a wee bit of trouble understanding him (I don’t, but I learned English by watching British television, so I have no problem with the various accents of the British Isles). Nonetheless, he makes excellent points, which my fellow libertarians may want to use to strengthen their own arguments. My favourite video on the channel is this refutation of the efficacy of the New Deal, which is probably the most comprehensive I have ever seen, since it is a reaction to an economically illiterate neckbeard FDR cultist reacting to PragerU:

The sixth is Ubersoy, who is Russian-Canadian, probably the deepest thinker on this list, and more of a rightist philosopher than an actual libertarian. He is extremely sarcastic, and speaks in such a deadpan manner that a lot of the sarcasm will go over the heads of an uninitiated viewer, which is one of several reasons I wouldn’t recommend any libertarian try to use his content to aid in the de-conversion of someone who is deeply mired in the statist mindset. Rather, this should be used for those who are already open to libertarian ideas and are trying to build their own philosophy. I have shared one of his videos before, but to get a much more concise idea of what his channel is about, I’d recommend this video to get started:

Seventh is Tarl Warwick, better known as Styxhexenhammer666, or Styx for short. This is an unusual entry on this list, because he is the single most prolific content creator I’ve mentioned, making multiple videos per day and publishing them on various platforms. I can’t think of a single video that would accurately represent what he’s all about, so I suggest simply perusing all his stuff for your entertainment. Like me, he is an occultist, and a very valuable resource of occult literature if you are interested in getting into the subject, which is why I linked to his literary blog as well as his BitChute channel. He is on YouTube, but only half his videos are published there.

I have to add an honourable mention of the Pholosopher, whom I follow on Hive (link to her website in the Hive banner), but whose other platforms I am unfamiliar with. She has a YouTube channel which I have never watched, but I have read the transcripts for some of her videos, and they are largely lists of short points summarising the various lies told by governments as well as condensed solutions for the problems taken straight out of the work of Murray Rothbard, who appears to be her favourite economist alongside Mises. Based. Oh, BTW, no simping; she’s married. Actually, now that I mention it, simping is never a good idea. Libertarians do not simp, statists do.

Last but certainly not least is RazörFist the Rageaholic, Styx’s hot-headed identical twin from Arizona. He’s another one who doesn’t call himself a libertarian, but instead a “Goldwater Republican,” and is a strict constitutionalist, which is fine by me, because strict constitutionalism is extremely libertarian compared to the neoliberal corporatism that we have now. As a reminder, progs see the US Constitution as an obstacle to progress, and RazörFist pulls no punches pointing this out. This is not a channel for the faint of heart; send someone to this channel only if you know it to appeal to their sense of humour, or if you want to relentlessly insult them (he’s worse than even me). As far as RazörFist’s views on economics, look no further than his rebuke of monopolies:

Hopefully I’ve provided you with a sufficient amount of educational entertainment to keep you busy for the next month. I’ll be back next week with either another Daily Debunk for Bollocks Views, or perhaps some comics. I’ve been drawing comics for years, and I’m told I’m good at it, so maybe I’ll share some. I have yet to truly develop my own art style, so just bear with me while I do. Na shledanou!

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