On the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is inevitable, but it's not what the WEF is trying to push. This is going to be a little history lesson on the structure of industrial revolutions, and why the self-appointed architect of the fourth one is just plain wrong about almost everything. There have been three industrial revolutions thus far,…

The Real Revolutionaries

Ever wonder why the establishment calls everything it doesn't like "fascist"? Wonder no more; fascism is the spectre haunting modern socialism from within. I routinely mention “longhouse simps,” defined as people who agree with the establishment and think they are part of the resistance, for example, this idiot: Substack Note originally posted 22 March, 2024…

The Dark History of Progressivism

This movement has been the enemy of both science and humanity from day one, something I've been saying a lot, and today, I finally get round to explaining why. This piece has been stewing in my mind for a while now, and it began with this video, which you may want to hold off on…

The Three Types of Socialism

This article is for anyone out there who finds themselves in need of a concise definition of socialism, such as if you are arguing with someone about its merits and your interlocutor tries to obfuscate about what it is. Socialism is defined as the collectivisation of the means of production. Collectivisation is the transfer of…

As Above, So Below

And as all is one, so one is all. Nearly every religion has some variation of that principle, but there is one in particular that formed around that very principle not just in a theological context, but also philosophical and historical. The military and economic successes of Ancient Athens created a highly prosperous society where men…

The Lion, the Eagle, and the Dragon

I think I have found my book title. Yes, for those who don't know, I'm working on a book, which I will compile from adaptations of various blog posts. Don't hold your breath, because I write for fun, and I have no idea when I'll get round to putting the whole thing together, but it will be…

Philosophy and Political Theory

Given that I have this tendency to write whatever pops into my head, I don't necessarily write articles in an order than makes sense. So, now that I've joined Substack and I have yet to publish anything particularly intellectual on the platform, I figured that today, I would get back to basics and write an introductory…

On American Exceptionalism

Today, I am going to piss off everyone. Today's subject matter isn't political in a partisan sense, but whether you love America or hate her, what I have to say will most certainly annoy you. The collection of fifty United States on the North American continent are unusual, but not in the ways that a lot…

Slaughtering Sacred Cows: Simplicity

Just because something is a sacred cow doesn't mean it is a bad thing; rather, it could merely be over-rated. Simplicity is one such idea, and I will explain its paradoxical nature from all four sides of the STEM fields. Now then, before I start, if anyone reading this has ever read The Simplicity Cycle…