And only two sexes. Sex is biological, gender is linguistic. That’s all, there really is nothing else to it. I am fluent in not one, but two gendered languages (Russian and Latin), and what is true of them is true of most gendered languages, which includes all of the Slavic and Romance languages: nouns, adjectives, and occasionally verbs, can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. I don’t know of any languages that have more, but if you know of one, let me know, and don’t forget to tell me to go fuck myself while you’re at it. Better yet, say it in that language, if you know how.

By now, I have made it abundantly clear that I despise both the left and the right for, among other things, science denial. Both sides love to proclaim that they are pro-science while misusing or misrepresenting it, and that the other side is anti-science. Of course, there are particularly radical individuals in both camps who openly denounce science for whatever reason, usually some variant of “science doesn’t say what I want it to, so it needs to be scratched off.”

I have some stake in LGBT issues, owing to having gender dysphoria and being bisexual. That being said, I reject the “community,” and you will never see me waving a rainbow flag. The “community” is no longer about tolerance, it is about indulgence. For that reason, this article is going to ruin everyone’s day. Trans-women are not women, and there is no such thing as non-binary. It is possible for an organism to be both male and female at the same time (a hermaphrodite), but there is no third option. Of course, none of what I’m about to say applies to animals who reproduce asexually… which no mammal does, and humans are definitely mammals. However, as I have already mentioned, neither leftists nor rightists want to admit that humans are even animals by definition. You are an animal, a mammal, a primate, a monkey, an ape, and everything that applies to them applies to you also, deal with it. You are not a lizard or an insect, so the rules that apply to them probably don’t apply to you… and you’ll see why I brought them up in a bit.

When I was still a Communist, I posed the question “how many generations of total gender egalitarianism would humans have to live through before sexual dimorphism disappeared?” According to biochemist and Soviet defector Natalia Vinogradova, that’s not how Evolution actually works. According to my own research into the subject since, hypothetically speaking, assuming 20 years per generation, the answer would be approximately 350 thousand, or about 7 million years. The reason I say this is because, according to the molecular clock, sex hormones evolved about 700 million years ago, and artificial selection produces results about 100 times as fast as natural selection, on average. This biochemical emergence predates the divergence between protostomes and deuterostomes, which is why sexual dimorphism is the norm, rather than the exception, among mammals, birds, and arthropods alike. Besides, just because humans might have a hard time telling the males and females of a particular species apart, doesn’t mean it’s difficult for that species, because otherwise, they would have a hard time reproducing, and the species would die out. Mass confusion of the process is nature’s way of dealing with overpopulation, as Universe 25, otherwise known as the “mouse utopia” experiment demonstrated, and also as the entire nation of Japan demonstrates.

Physicians, contrary to leftist rhetoric, do not “assign” a baby’s gender at birth. The physician instead reports the baby’s sex, and over 99% of the time, there is no ambiguity about it. Deviation from the “gender binary” is extremely rare, and is a medical disorder, not some third gender. Such individuals are usually infertile, and therefore genetic dead ends. Furthermore, while there are many known chromosomal aberrations, such as Turner Syndrome and Klinefelter Syndrome, these individuals almost always have a phenotype based on the presence or absence of a Y chromosome. Let me break it down for you: individuals with Turner Syndrome (X) are always female, and individuals with Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) are almost always male. Actual hermaphroditism, i.e. individuals with fully-functioning male and female sex organs, as you might see in certain hentai (I never said I wasn’t a degenerate) are virtually unheard of. A medical condition known as “ambiguous sex” is well-documented, on the other hand, but is still extremely rare.

Before anyone tries to interject with “exceptions” to what I just wrote, I am indeed aware of that fact that some animal species have more than two sex chromosomes. Certain lepidopterans (moths, of which butterflies are a subset) are known to have “XXYY” chromosomal schemes. I shouldn’t have to point this out, but last time I checked, humans are primates, not fucking moths!

Another type of sexual aberration is mismatched genotype and phenotype, and this usually goes unnoticed until relatively late into adulthood. In order to understand why this is, I have to explain a wee bit about embryology. Female is the default among all animals, developmentally speaking. In a species in which the male is heterogametic (e.g. humans), the presence of a Y chromosome in the zygote will trigger a hormone surge inside the uterus that causes the embryo to develop as male. On rare occasion, the trigger fails, and the embryo develops female. One of my father’s colleagues found this out the hard way in her mid thirties, when she couldn’t become pregnant – she was informed that she was genotypically male, and therefore had no eggs. This woman is not transgender, she was born female, raised as a girl, and lived as a woman, with no knowledge than anything was abnormal until she tried to have a child. By the way, the reason that I mentioned that female is the default is because the reverse of what I described in this paragraph can also occur, but is even rarer.

When citing exceptions to the “Y means male” cry of the so-called right, leftists have one valid point: not all males are heterogametic. However, you’d be hard-pressed to find a male mammal that doesn’t have a Y chromosome, which is why leftists have to cite examples from among other taxonomic clades, such as lepidosaurs (rynchocephalians and lizards, of which snakes are a subset). The last common ancestor of humans and lizards lived almost 320 million years ago, when synapsids and diapsids diverged. Birds, being diapsids, are more closely related to lizards than to humans, and among birds, the females are heterogametic, so in order to avoid confusion, the sex chromosomes are labelled “ZW” for females and “ZZ” for males. The divergence between synapsids and diapsids isn’t just anatomical, it’s biochemical, even their skin proteins are different. This is how far leftist ideologues must reach in order to find examples of animals that don’t fit into the human gender binary, and it should be noted that lesbian lizards reproducing via parthenogenesis are, again, the exception, not the rule. I have said it before, and I’ll say it again: cherry-picking is the root of all fallacies. However, the misuse of scientific knowledge doesn’t end there.

One of the most disgusting instances of ideologues appropriating scientific terminology is the use of the word “cis,” short for “cisgender,” a word made up in direct opposition to “transgender” in a blatant attempt at hypernormalisation. “Cis” is a term lifted from organic chemistry, and as someone with a background in the subject (I initially chose to major in chemistry before switching to engineering, but I continued to focus on materials science, beginning with metallurgy before transitioning to polymer chemistry, as you do if you’re heavily invested in 3D-printing), I am perfectly qualified to explain what it actually means. Unlike with biological sex, there is no “default” way that polymer chains form. Sometimes, the double-bond bends the chain one way, and sometimes, it bends the chain another way. A “cis” chain is one that curls in the same direction, and a “trans” chain bends back and forth. In the case of hydrocarbon chains, only double-bonds do this; “cis” and “trans” are not applicable to hydrocarbon chains with single or triple bonds. In other words, this is all about alkenes, not alkanes or alkynes.

With only two carbons, ethyl groups don’t bend at all. With only three carbons, propyl groups can bend only once, so “cis” and “trans” don’t begin to apply until we get to butyl groups, which have four carbons. If a four-carbon chain has no double bonds, it is called “butane.” If a four-carbon chain contains one double bond, it is called “butene,” and if it has two, it is called “butadiene,” which is the “B” in ABS plastic (full name: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene). This is where “cis” and “trans” finally come into play:

The nomenclature is as follows: “cis” or “trans” will be first, depending on the shape of the chain, followed by the location of the double bond, followed by the prefix for the number of carbons, ending in the suffix to indicate the type and number of bonds. Here is another example:

Note that “cis” and “trans” don’t apply if there is only one double bond in either the first or third position (which is a distinction without a difference in the case of a symmetrical chain), because the chain will have only one bend, rather than two. 1-butene and 3-butene are, for all intents and purposes, are the same thing, and I’ve never seen the latter nomenclature.

Incidentally, polymer chains with only single bonds are called “saturated” or “hydrogenated,” owing to having the maximum number of hydrogen atoms possible. “Trans fat” is short for “trans unsaturated fat,” referring to the shape of the polymer chain; each time it bends, it alternates direction. Bear in mind that fats are very long chains, because a minimum of 18 carbons is necessary for a hydrocarbon to be solid at STP (standard temperature and pressure). Pentane through heptadecane (5-17 carbons) are liquids at STP, while butane and anything smaller are gaseous, hence the need to dissolve them in a liquid solvent for stable storage. Welding gas, properly called ethyne but better known as acetylene – because it was misidentified as an acetyl compound when it was first discovered, and the old name stuck outside of the chemistry lab – is dissolved in acetone and soaked in diatomaceous earth (DE) inside black cylinders (gas cylinders are colour-coded, if you didn’t already know). DE serves no purpose other than stabilisation, because acetone is also inflammable (considerably more so than ethanol, I might add, so nail polish remover makes for a more effective Molotov Cocktail than Everclear… one of the many reasons that women make better terrorists than men).

Right, I think that’s enough for now. I am of the opinion that people should be aware of the real science that has been twisted into pseudoscientific nonsense that ideologues regurgitate from their acid-spewing algonquins they call mouths. Kindly excise the word “cisgender” from your vocabulary, and stop saying what sex you were “assigned” at birth. Also, next time an evolutionary biologist cough cough PZ Myers cough cough engages in any of the nonsense I just denounced, do me a solid and tell that trollop “иди на хуй, ложная ёбаная пизда.” That should set them straight, pun fully intended.

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