The Dark History of Progressivism

This movement has been the enemy of both science and humanity from day one, something I've been saying a lot, and today, I finally get round to explaining why. This piece has been stewing in my mind for a while now, and it began with this video, which you may want to hold off on…

Debunking the Congenial Iconoclast on Logic

The Congenial Iconoclast is a failed epistemologist, and I think I know why. His what-I-have-a-hard-time-calling "understanding" of logic (live version here, archived version here) is incredibly obtuse, to the point where it even confused me a couple of times. However, just because something is confusing, doesn't mean it is beyond one's understanding; it could simply…

There are Only Three Genders

And only two sexes. Sex is biological, gender is linguistic. That's all, there really is nothing else to it. I am fluent in not one, but two gendered languages (Russian and Latin), and what is true of them is true of most gendered languages, which includes all of the Slavic and Romance languages: nouns, adjectives,…

The Duality of Creationism and Communism

Creationism and communism are the same thing. Screech all you want, but it only belies your position as one or the other. Run along now, you whiney little tosser. For the rest of you... The Theory of Evolution is the best-supported theory in all of science. However, to this day, it remains one of the…