The Dark History of Progressivism

This movement has been the enemy of both science and humanity from day one, something I've been saying a lot, and today, I finally get round to explaining why. This piece has been stewing in my mind for a while now, and it began with this video, which you may want to hold off on…

Frauds of a Feather: the Plagiarism Wars

These shall go down in history as the sequel to the Science Wars. For those of you who don't know, the Science Wars were a series of debates between scientific realists and social constructionists back in the 1990s. The three best-known events from this ideological conflict were the 1994 publication of Higher Superstition, written by Paul R…

Philosophy and Political Theory

Given that I have this tendency to write whatever pops into my head, I don't necessarily write articles in an order than makes sense. So, now that I've joined Substack and I have yet to publish anything particularly intellectual on the platform, I figured that today, I would get back to basics and write an introductory…

Gatekeeping – Good and Bad

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded. - Isador Akios It is important to keep an open mind, but it is also important to maintain a healthy scepticism; in other words, do not let your mind be so open that your brains fall out, as some say, or as…

Don’t Debate Ideologues

Simply mock them, because that’s what they will do to you, whether you are aware of it or not. This is a little piece of advice that I first gave about a year and a half ago, and hopefully, this time round will be a bit better, since I'm not working backwards like I was…

Deceptive Rebranding: Racial Activism

In the previous instalment of this series, I discussed young-Earth creationism and how it was re-branded into "intelligent design" and later "sudden emergence" to get around being banned in public schools. At the end of that article, I mentioned that proponents of Critical Race Theory (CRT) have done something similar, albeit with much greater success.…

Deceptive Rebranding: YEC

Well friends, I missed last week's post, because despite my habit of writing articles ahead of time and then scheduling them for publication every Thursday, I didn't have one ready last week. I was busy, and I have since come across some new information that explains where a lot of the nonsense I like to…

Deceptive Rebranding: Introduction

A true ideologue, by definition, does not change their position when proven wrong. If unable to win an ideological argument, they will redefine terms so that they are ontologically correct. The left and the right are both guilty of this, and I will now explain why. This series is, despite my usual dose of snark,…

There are Only Three Genders

And only two sexes. Sex is biological, gender is linguistic. That's all, there really is nothing else to it. I am fluent in not one, but two gendered languages (Russian and Latin), and what is true of them is true of most gendered languages, which includes all of the Slavic and Romance languages: nouns, adjectives,…

Stupid or Psyop? Climate Change, Part 1

If you must lie in order to advance or defend a narrative, then I must assume the narrative itself is a lie. - Karel Antonovič Janáček Climate change is real, in fact, the climate is always changing. How much of that is due to human activity is up for debate, but no answer can be…