How to Define Capitalism

Capitalism is a socialist word, in that it was invented by and is used predominantly by socialists. Socialism is defined by its opposite, but as you may have noticed, not only can most socialists not define socialism, but they can’t define capitalism either. I was a socialist for over a decade, and I was able…

The Three Types of Socialism

This article is for anyone out there who finds themselves in need of a concise definition of socialism, such as if you are arguing with someone about its merits and your interlocutor tries to obfuscate about what it is. Socialism is defined as the collectivisation of the means of production. Collectivisation is the transfer of…

I Was in a Cult

Anyone who has been online for any amount of time has surely seen video log after video log of people going over the story of how they left the left. What most of these stories have in common, however, can be summed up by the following meme: Colin Wright's political cartoon made famous by Elon…

Deceptive Rebranding: Racial Activism

In the previous instalment of this series, I discussed young-Earth creationism and how it was re-branded into "intelligent design" and later "sudden emergence" to get around being banned in public schools. At the end of that article, I mentioned that proponents of Critical Race Theory (CRT) have done something similar, albeit with much greater success.…

Misunderstood Ideologies: Marxism

A classic is a book which people praise and don't read. - Mark Twain I have... no idea why so many people who call themselves "Marxist" have no clue what Karl Marx actually wrote. As if my comparisons between evolution-deniers on both the "far-left" and "far-right" weren't enough, Marxists are just like evangelical Christians holding…