Fixing the Three Great Flaws of Liberalism

A-hem. Mi mi mi mi mi… There is a common misconception in the “community” of political commentators that the left thinks the right is evil, and the right thinks the left is stupid. The opposite is true; the left is evil, and the right is stupid. Seriously, the right keeps making arguments from “facts and…


For those who don't already know, BreadTube is the collective name for communist YouTube channels. The name comes from The Conquest of Bread by Pëtr Kropotkin, which is widely treated as the anarcho-communist bible. It is important to note that Kropotkin was not a Marxist, but instead came out of an offshoot of pre-Marxist socialism…

Utopia… a pointless fantasy. There can be no such thing as a perfect society. In fact, the original Greek word was ούτοπία ("outopia" - no place), rather than εύτοπία ("eutopia" - good place). Stick a pin in that thought for now, because I'll come back to it. All societies have problems, and demanding a society…

The Children’s Table of Politics

As you may have noticed, I love political compass memes. However, the classic political compass has its problems, and political compass tests are even worse. The political compass is inherently divisive, by which I mean that it separates people who are like-minded but have slightly different opinions about certain things, while simultaneously lumping in together…