On the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is inevitable, but it's not what the WEF is trying to push. This is going to be a little history lesson on the structure of industrial revolutions, and why the self-appointed architect of the fourth one is just plain wrong about almost everything. There have been three industrial revolutions thus far,…

The Lion, the Eagle, and the Dragon

I think I have found my book title. Yes, for those who don't know, I'm working on a book, which I will compile from adaptations of various blog posts. Don't hold your breath, because I write for fun, and I have no idea when I'll get round to putting the whole thing together, but it will be…

Fun With Bad Faith Arguments

In previous posts, I have mentioned an upcoming article on the subject of "political schizophrenia," or the phenomenon of people holding self-contradictory world views. This is that article. I decided to publish it under a different title because there are only two types of people who think this way: those who do so because their philosophy demands…

Philosophy and Political Theory

Given that I have this tendency to write whatever pops into my head, I don't necessarily write articles in an order than makes sense. So, now that I've joined Substack and I have yet to publish anything particularly intellectual on the platform, I figured that today, I would get back to basics and write an introductory…

Don’t Take the Black Pill

As I like to regularly remind people, the ultimate purpose of propaganda is demoralisation. No propagandist cares if you believe the narrative that they are pushing, all they want is for you to shut up and do as you are told. Should you ever be convinced that you are alone in seeing the propaganda for what it…

On American Exceptionalism

Today, I am going to piss off everyone. Today's subject matter isn't political in a partisan sense, but whether you love America or hate her, what I have to say will most certainly annoy you. The collection of fifty United States on the North American continent are unusual, but not in the ways that a lot…

False Balance

There are two types of false balance: one is to present skewed versions of two opposing viewpoints to make it appear as if one side is clearly better while pretending to be unbiased (the steelman/strawman combination that I have mentioned before), and the other is to present two fundamentally incompatible positions as somehow being "two…

Debunking the Congenial Iconoclast on Citizenship

This response will be to two separate articles, and you'll see why soon enough. The Congenial Iconoclast is a collectivist idiot who just props up strawman after strawman after strawman, and at this point, since he won't respond to any critique, I almost feel bad for wailing on him... almost. I have very little sympathy…

A Res Polis ad Rem Publicam

From matters of city to matters of the people. In my own native tongue, it even rhymes: от дела города к делу народа (ot dela goroda k delu naroda). While it was always my intention to write response articles on this particular blog, I didn't expect them to be as popular as they evidently are.…

Debunking the Congenial Iconoclast, Introduction

Frauds of a feather flock together. I became aware of the Congenial Iconoclast after seeing him express admiration for the "wisdom" expressed on Bracing Views. The exact comment, left on this post (here's a reblog by Emma Olive, hopefully I'll manage to get some of William Astore's audience to read an opposing viewpoint!) under the…