The Dark History of Progressivism

This movement has been the enemy of both science and humanity from day one, something I've been saying a lot, and today, I finally get round to explaining why. This piece has been stewing in my mind for a while now, and it began with this video, which you may want to hold off on…


I'm not sure who it was who originally pointed out that the broadest truths are best illustrated by painstaking specifics. I've heard Tolkien and even Socrates, but attempting to track down the original quote itself has yielded nothing conclusive. No matter, it's not relevant to my point here. Anyway, gather round children, it's story time…

“Real” Leftism is Militarism

I cannot tell you how many times I've heard self-described leftists proclaim their disgust with certain political parties as "leftist in name only" because they are pro-military and sometimes even explicitly pro-war. According to this particularly entertaining variety of useful idiot, "militarism is right-wing," because they are hopelessly mired in the mentality of "left-wing good,…

Daily Debunk for Bollocks Views: Dogs of War

Bracing Views is a cesspit of midwittery. Arrogance and hypocrisy are two things I despise above all else, and Bracing Views offers an abundant supply of both. - Karel Antonovič Janáček I really wish William Astore would shut up, because he does the anti-war movement no good. In fact, between his economic illiteracy, social justice…

Re-Thinking Some Things

I have a few articles in the works right now, one of which is about how we need to retire the word "capitalism," since it means different things to different people. The word "progressive" needs to be retired for the exact same reason. Furthermore, both words are so dirty that they are each but one…

The Doctor Dino of Reformists

In an article titled Tea Leaves, a play on a British slang word for "thief," I listed off a bunch of professional plagiarists, beginning with a long list of Christian fundamentalists primarily of the YEC persuasion, but then I finished off by listing two military "reformists," one of whom I personally have an axe to…

Progressive Christianity

Have you ever noticed that authoritarian moral busybodies all sound the same, save for a few words that could be exchanged like a game of mad libs? Fundies and progs alike are basically the same thing. I have mentioned that creationists and communists are the same thing, Nazis were Christian creationists (right, details; creationism is…