The Congenial Iconoclast is an Intellectual Coward

Well friends, in a previous article, I said that I was probably done talking about a civic ignoramus named Andrew Zehner, unless, of course, he updated his website. His latest article, published some time between (nothing on the website is dated) the fourth of February and the tenth of March, 2024, is blatant reality denial…

On American Exceptionalism

Today, I am going to piss off everyone. Today's subject matter isn't political in a partisan sense, but whether you love America or hate her, what I have to say will most certainly annoy you. The collection of fifty United States on the North American continent are unusual, but not in the ways that a lot…

False Balance

There are two types of false balance: one is to present skewed versions of two opposing viewpoints to make it appear as if one side is clearly better while pretending to be unbiased (the steelman/strawman combination that I have mentioned before), and the other is to present two fundamentally incompatible positions as somehow being "two…

Debunking the Congenial Iconoclast on Citizenship

This response will be to two separate articles, and you'll see why soon enough. The Congenial Iconoclast is a collectivist idiot who just props up strawman after strawman after strawman, and at this point, since he won't respond to any critique, I almost feel bad for wailing on him... almost. I have very little sympathy…

What is “Right”?

Liberté, égalité, fraternité - Motto of the French Republic Liberty, equality, and fraternity are the values of classical liberalism, which are balanced by their classical conservative values of order, hierarchy and family. The liberal-conservative dichotomy is part of the English tradition, whereas the French tradition does away with the conservative counterpart, which ultimately proved to…

Don’t Debate Ideologues

Simply mock them, because that’s what they will do to you, whether you are aware of it or not. This is a little piece of advice that I first gave about a year and a half ago, and hopefully, this time round will be a bit better, since I'm not working backwards like I was…

The Children’s Table of Politics

As you may have noticed, I love political compass memes. However, the classic political compass has its problems, and political compass tests are even worse. The political compass is inherently divisive, by which I mean that it separates people who are like-minded but have slightly different opinions about certain things, while simultaneously lumping in together…

Strategy vs. Justification

Operation Desert Storm was the single most successful military campaign of the 20th century. The F-15 is the single most successful fighter aeroplane ever developed, and may possibly be eclipsed by the F-35, which will inevitably replace both it and the A-10. Neither of these things actually needed to happen. Desert Storm was launched on…

Stupid or Psyop? Anti-War Pundits

If you must lie in order to advance or defend a narrative, then I must assume the narrative itself is a lie. - Karel Antonovič Janáček I find it rather remarkable how many anti-war pundits know absolutely nothing about warfare - even those who have served in the military. Of course, the vast majority of…