
I'm not sure who it was who originally pointed out that the broadest truths are best illustrated by painstaking specifics. I've heard Tolkien and even Socrates, but attempting to track down the original quote itself has yielded nothing conclusive. No matter, it's not relevant to my point here. Anyway, gather round children, it's story time…

The Doctor Dino of Reformists

In an article titled Tea Leaves, a play on a British slang word for "thief," I listed off a bunch of professional plagiarists, beginning with a long list of Christian fundamentalists primarily of the YEC persuasion, but then I finished off by listing two military "reformists," one of whom I personally have an axe to…

Slaughtering Sacred Cows: WWII

Some years ago, I came to the conclusion that there was no reason for the United States to get involved in the Second World War, certainly not in a military capacity, and further investigation into the subject has only reinforced that belief. Of course, the shills will indubitably accuse me of being a Russian propagandist…

Razor versus Ra

There is a popular myth in the United States that the American Civil War was fought primarily over slavery. This is news to anyone who has examined the conflict from across the pond, and also would have been news the people who actually fought in it. Most wars are fought primarily over resources, and are…

Propaganda and Subversion, Part 1: Deception

He who controls the present controls the past; he who controls the past controls the future. - George Orwell Since deception is the most self-explanatory of the six stages, rather than explaining how propagandists lie (especially since I've already done that to an extent), I will instead correct some not-so-common misconceptions about history, and maybe…