The Four Type of Lies

As a prelude to my upcoming deep dive into academic rot from an outsider's perspective (I have not stepped on a university campus in over ten years), I figured it time to go back to basics and talk about lying. Ideologues of all stripes, left, right, centre or sideways, do not care about being factually correct…

False Balance

There are two types of false balance: one is to present skewed versions of two opposing viewpoints to make it appear as if one side is clearly better while pretending to be unbiased (the steelman/strawman combination that I have mentioned before), and the other is to present two fundamentally incompatible positions as somehow being "two…

Debunking the Congenial Iconoclast on Logic

The Congenial Iconoclast is a failed epistemologist, and I think I know why. His what-I-have-a-hard-time-calling "understanding" of logic (live version here, archived version here) is incredibly obtuse, to the point where it even confused me a couple of times. However, just because something is confusing, doesn't mean it is beyond one's understanding; it could simply…