False Balance

There are two types of false balance: one is to present skewed versions of two opposing viewpoints to make it appear as if one side is clearly better while pretending to be unbiased (the steelman/strawman combination that I have mentioned before), and the other is to present two fundamentally incompatible positions as somehow being "two…


The man behind the curtain is a priest. The curtain obscures the fact that what you're looking at is a religion, and everyone comes away thinking that it's a "science;" no it's not. - Lewis Barton Well friends, I missed last week's post because I had the flu and I didn't feel like doing anything…


Aleksandr Dugin is the founder of the Eurasia Party, which uses the star of chaos as its symbol, and its colours are black and yellow, the same as those of anarcho-capitalism. Keep that in mind, because it will become important later. I like Dugin, and even though he's not an anarcho-capitalist himself, I think he…