The Dichotomy of Individualism and Collectivism

Individualism and collectivism represent two opposing ways of looking at society, one in which the main concern is the individual, and one in which the main concern is some kind of group. One might be tempted to believe that only collectivism can have degrees, based on there being different size groups that one could divide…

Debunking the Congenial Iconoclast on Citizenship

This response will be to two separate articles, and you'll see why soon enough. The Congenial Iconoclast is a collectivist idiot who just props up strawman after strawman after strawman, and at this point, since he won't respond to any critique, I almost feel bad for wailing on him... almost. I have very little sympathy…

“Real” Leftism is Militarism

I cannot tell you how many times I've heard self-described leftists proclaim their disgust with certain political parties as "leftist in name only" because they are pro-military and sometimes even explicitly pro-war. According to this particularly entertaining variety of useful idiot, "militarism is right-wing," because they are hopelessly mired in the mentality of "left-wing good,…

What is “Right”?

Liberté, égalité, fraternité - Motto of the French Republic Liberty, equality, and fraternity are the values of classical liberalism, which are balanced by their classical conservative values of order, hierarchy and family. The liberal-conservative dichotomy is part of the English tradition, whereas the French tradition does away with the conservative counterpart, which ultimately proved to…