The Three Types of Socialism

This article is for anyone out there who finds themselves in need of a concise definition of socialism, such as if you are arguing with someone about its merits and your interlocutor tries to obfuscate about what it is. Socialism is defined as the collectivisation of the means of production. Collectivisation is the transfer of…

The Congenial Iconoclast is an Intellectual Coward

Well friends, in a previous article, I said that I was probably done talking about a civic ignoramus named Andrew Zehner, unless, of course, he updated his website. His latest article, published some time between (nothing on the website is dated) the fourth of February and the tenth of March, 2024, is blatant reality denial…

Utopia… a pointless fantasy. There can be no such thing as a perfect society. In fact, the original Greek word was ούτοπία ("outopia" - no place), rather than εύτοπία ("eutopia" - good place). Stick a pin in that thought for now, because I'll come back to it. All societies have problems, and demanding a society…

Propaganda and Subversion, Part 4: Destabilisation

The fewer ears one need whisper into, the easier it is to topple an empire. - Kveta Vamaruchenko Top-down, authoritarian governments are inherently unstable. Destroying a nation therefore requires implementing an authoritarian government, because then the process becomes much easier in the event that political power is derived more from centralised institutions than from the…

What is “Right”?

Liberté, égalité, fraternité - Motto of the French Republic Liberty, equality, and fraternity are the values of classical liberalism, which are balanced by their classical conservative values of order, hierarchy and family. The liberal-conservative dichotomy is part of the English tradition, whereas the French tradition does away with the conservative counterpart, which ultimately proved to…

The Children’s Table of Politics

As you may have noticed, I love political compass memes. However, the classic political compass has its problems, and political compass tests are even worse. The political compass is inherently divisive, by which I mean that it separates people who are like-minded but have slightly different opinions about certain things, while simultaneously lumping in together…