I have been putting this off for a while now, because I have a life, and therefore little time to deal with multiple platforms. Nonetheless, since things are quiet for now, I figured I’d get things going.

I first heard about Substack from Tarl Warwick, a.k.a. Styxhexenhammer666. However, he’s not the only person I have a prior history with who uses this platform. Bill Astore, my favourite punching bag (at least until I found out about the Congenial Iconoclast) is another. In other words, I’m not there just to expand my online reach. I am there to stir shit.

No, seriously, that’s it. From now on, every article I publish here will be mirrored on my Substack page, so if you already read my stuff, you don’t need to migrate unless you’re having trouble commenting (apparently that’s an issue for some WordPress users) and would like to engage with my madness a little more.

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